Tools Inventory

Product Image Cordless Drills


We Carry all tools. From High End Professional to Homeowner Tool Kits, and everything in-between. Cordless Drills are a Favorite, Woodworking, Industrial, Oil Field, Lawn & Garden,  we have the tools for all applications!
Lawnmowers Product image

P35-415691-1MILWAUKEE2445-20MILWAUKEE 2445-20 skill saw Milwaukee skill saw like new with batteries and charger tested all good, comes with bits in grey bag$129.95
P35-415630-2Jupiter56496Jupiter 56496 inverter Small black inverterwhite jupiter lable on the top two outlet digital screen$24.95
P35-415630-1Jupiter57358Jupiter 57358 inverter Small silver inverter jupiter warrning sticker fadding$34.95
P35-415622-1RidgidPOWERCLEARRidgid POWERCLEAR drain cleaner Red , in good condition , little dirty , corded$69.95
P35-415617-1Gorilla LadderNVMNGorilla Ladder NVMN LADDER Aluminum folding ladder , 300lb$79.95
P35-415592-2Jonard ToolsVFL-150Jonard Tools VFL-150 locator kit Visual fault locator kit new in boc good condition all good all there$79.95
P35-415592-1Milwaukee2904-20Milwaukee 2904-20 hammer drill Milwaukee hammer drill with 5.0 battery good conditoin comes with charger fast charger tested all good$159.95
P35-415587-2Bauer2391E-BBauer 2391E-B corded drill Bauer corded drill red 1/2 driver good conditon tested all good$19.95
P35-415586-1HartNONEHart NONE TOOL BOX Hart tool box complete with sockets wrenches allen wrenches$79.95
P35-415544-1Milwaukee2626-20Milwaukee 2626-20 multi tool Multi tool red and black in like new condition has small battery 1.5cp in like new condition$109.95
P35-415474-3MILWAUKEENVMNMILWAUKEE NVMN packout Red and black in color pack out very few tools in box one dewalt tool belt single packout$79.95
P35-415409-2No MakeNVMNNo Make NVMN automotive jack Black carjack 2 ton with bar$44.95
P35-415409-1No MakeKDP-700WNo Make KDP-700W power supply Inside og box blue and black inverter$19.95
P35-415379-2RyobiRJ1861VVNRyobi RJ1861VVN SAWZALL Green and grey saw corded in good condition , tested$24.95
P35-415379-1DewaltDCD771Dewalt DCD771 drill 1 Batt & CHRGR In yellow and black tool bag , drill with battery and charger$69.95
P35-415373-1DewaltDCF809Dewalt DCF809 impact 1 Batt & CHRGR Yellow dewalt impact with small battery and charger, good condition$89.95
P35-415308-1Rotary VaneVP 245Rotary Vane VP 245 vaccum pump good condition black/silver 2 stages vacuum pump$29.95
P35-415294-1HilmorCOMPACT BENDER KITHilmor COMPACT BENDER KIT bender kit In black hard case, copper pipe bender, good condition, all pieces there$149.95
P35-415278-1Icon ProfessionalVARIOUSIcon Professional VARIOUS SOCKET SET Icon professional 12pc socket set in good condition$59.95
P35-415273-4KobaltAR383Kobalt AR383 pressure washer Blue and black kobalt pressure washer bought here$59.95
P35-415264-4MatcoBFR118TMatco BFR118T RACHET Matco rachet straight head$59.95
P35-415264-3MatcoBFR128LFMatco BFR128LF RACHET Flex head matco rachet$129.95
P35-415264-2Silver EagleSBSE59PSilver Eagle SBSE59P SOCKET SET Inside a grey case silver eagle socket 59pc missing 4 sockets one clasp broken on the case$199.95
P35-415264-1Silver EagleADSESilver Eagle ADSE SOCKET SET Silver eagle 45 pc set missing few sockets$199.95
P35-415244-3CraftsmanCMEST913Craftsman CMEST913 WEEDEATER Red craftsman electric weed eater works teste$12.95
P35-415231-4DewaltDCB201Dewalt DCB201 battery Yellow and black battery in good condition$19.95
P35-415231-1DewaltDCR010Dewalt DCR010 work speaker Yellow and black work speaker bluetooth in good condition , tested ,$59.95
P35-415191-1Milwaukee2533-20Milwaukee 2533-20 HEDGER TRIMER Milwaukee hedge trimmer, good condtion, tool only$99.95
P35-415167-3DeWaltDCS380DeWalt DCS380 SAWZALL Dewalt sawzall no battery works tested$39.95
P35-415160-2Kobalt0721Kobalt 0721 RACHET Kobalt rachet$49.95
P35-415150-2HomeliteUT43123Homelite UT43123 CHAIN SAW Chain saw red and black wired has blade cover a little wear$29.95
P35-415150-1EgoLB5300Ego LB5300 blower Battery blower green andf grey has giant battery no charger a little beat up has his # on the side$149.95
P35-415113-401Dwewlat Li Ion 20v battery charger$19.95
P35-415113-3DewaltDCD780Dewalt DCD780 drill Dewalt TOOL ONLY NO BAT NO CHRGR$29.95
P35-415101-1RyobiBD4601GRyobi BD4601G DISC SANDER In og box, ryobi disc sander bught about 1 month ago hasnt used just yet$79.95
P35-415093-1Avanti57637Avanti 57637 AIR COMPRESSOR small blue airbrush air compressor has hose and air brush handle$49.95
P35-415063-1DeWaltdcst972DeWalt dcst972 weed eater Cordless dewalt weed eater$79.95
P35-415013-2MILWAUKEE2606-20MILWAUKEE 2606-20 drill Red and black milwaukee drill with battery$69.95
P35-415013-1Snap OnNVMNSnap On NVMN grinder Snap,on older grinder with 2 batteries sn worn off$79.95
P35-414934-1DeWaltDW511DeWalt DW511 hammer drill Dewlat corded hammer drill with handle nb4 good condition$49.95
P35-414930-2Milwaukee2686-20Milwaukee 2686-20 grinder Milwaukee red and black grinder with gaurd and handle$69.95
P35-414930-1MILWAUKEE2719-20MILWAUKEE 2719-20 hackzall Milwaukee hackzall red and black with battery$109.95
P35-414907-1Ingersoll Rand2141Ingersoll Rand 2141 IMPACT WRENCH-AIR Ingersoll rand 2141 3/4 in drive composite impact wrench$159.95
P35-414889-2MILWAUKEE48-220225MILWAUKEE 48-220225 TAPEMEASURE Milwaukee tape measure 25 ft good condition$19.95
P35-414865-1Champion100520Champion 100520 GENERATOR Champion yellow generator 8750 watt e start runs great all good$599.95
P35-414859-1LeathermanNVMNLeatherman siekick multi tool Little leatherman multi tool in case in like new condition$39.95
P35-414802-3MilwaukeeNVMNMilwaukee NVMN battery Red and black milwaukee battery m18$19.95
P35-414788-3Craftsman113.206933Craftsman 113.206933 jointer planer Grey on stand jointer planer, good condition$199.95
P35-414788-2Central MachinaryT34706Central Machinary T34706 lathe 12×36 wood lathe, on stand, good condition$229.95
P35-414788-1Delta40-150Delta 40-150 SCROLL SAW Older delta scroll saw, used condition$29.95
P35-414743-2Predator6500Predator 6500 GENERATOR Red and black in good shape ran some spray paint in good shape predator 6500 predator$399.95
P35-414715-4Milwaukee2803-20Milwaukee 2803-20 drill Red and black w one 5.0 battery attached in great shape$74.95
P35-414679-3MAKITAXUX01MAKITA XUX01 weed eater Blue green with black , with two batteries , in good condition , tested$159.95
P35-414675-3Craftmans41AD25SC793Craftmans 41AD25SC793 weed eater Black two stroke craftsman wacker no guard runs good$49.95
P35-414675-2Hyper ToughHT21-401-002-04Hyper Tough HT21-401-002-04 weed eater Silver and black electric weed eqater good condition$14.95
P35-414675-1HomeliteUT41121Homelite UT41121 weed wacket Black and red electric good condition$19.95
P35-414650-1StihlTS420Stihl TS420 demo saw Orange and white demo saw, used, nb4, good condiiton$699.95
P35-414630-2MILWAUKEE2267-20MILWAUKEE 2267-20 temperature gun Milwauk temp gun in great condition works tested$39.95
P35-414620-3DeWaltDWE304DeWalt DWE304 RECIPRICATING S Yellow and black corded in good condition , tested$34.95
P35-414618-1MtsNONEMts NONE impact gun Mts half inch air impact gun$24.95
P35-414541-1RigidWD1270Rigid WD1270 shop vac Ornage and grey shop vac with hose corded tested works okay condition$44.95
P35-414530-1EchoGT-225Echo GT-225 TRIMMER Orange echo weed eater, good condition, tested$79.95
P35-414516-1RidgidR3204Ridgid R3204 circ saw Orange and black in color corded ridgid saw$39.95
P35-414510-3DeWaltDW421DeWalt DW421 SANDER corded sander in good condition , tested$19.95
P35-414503-2Bauer1962E-BBauer 1962E-B angle grinder Red and black corded in good condition , tested , missing nut , has guard$44.95
P35-414503-1VulcanNVMNVulcan NVMN welder helmet In good condition , electric helmet , small scratches$39.95
P35-414438-3MaddoxMB4-1Maddox MB4-1 ball joint In black hard case, ball joint service kit good condition$29.95
P35-414438-2MaddoxMB7-1Maddox MB7-1 dent repair In black hard box, body and fender 7 piece set good condition$39.95
P35-414370-3Gear Wrench85062mGear Wrench 85062m TORQUE WRENCH Gear wrench torque wrench 3/8 on black case good conditon$39.95
P35-414370-1GP1612u gpGP 1612u gp swivel socket set Impact swivel socket set in blue case$39.95
P35-414362-2PNEUMATIC2400PNEUMATIC 2400 POLISHER Silver central pneumatic POLISHER$9.95
P35-414360-6Warrior63976Warrior 63976 SANDER Warrior black and orange sander$9.95
P35-414360-5RyobiDS1200Ryobi DS1200 SANDER Ryobi detail sander green and grey$9.95
P35-414360-2DewaltDCD799Dewalt DCD799 hammer drill ONE BAT ONE CHARGER$59.95
P35-414306-2CORNWELLCBPIU2CORNWELL CBPIU2 impact sockets Universal impact socket set blue power cornwell metric 3/8” drive complete$89.95
P35-414305-6Mac Toolsspt10rbrtMac Tools spt10rbrt star driver set In og red case mac tools:spt10rbrt 10-pc. Advanced r.B.R.T.™ impact star driver set$99.95
P35-414305-4Snap OnTD-2425Snap On TD-2425 TAP AND DIE In og red case, tap and die set snap on complete older good conditoin$129.95
P35-414303-6Milwaukee2462-20Milwaukee 2462-20 drill impact driver Milwauk impact drill driver no battery tool only wear and tear$29.95
P35-414235-2DeWaltdwf83plDeWalt dwf83pl NAILER Big dewalt nailer tested all good tested$139.95
P35-414234-3Dremel4000Dremel 4000 DREMEL Corded dremel tested works okay condition$19.95
P35-414202-1JBELIMANATORJB ELIMANATOR VAC/PUMP Small vac pump in good condition all sivler has a flag brand sticker$49.95
P35-414174-1MILWAUKEE2626-20MILWAUKEE 2626-20 multi tool Red and black With Battery and Charger$119.95
P35-414045-2DeWaltDCD701DeWalt DCD701 drill driver Dewalt drill driver with battery and charger$79.95
P35-414045-1DeWaltDCF801DeWalt DCF801 impact driver with one battery$59.95
P35-414041-2RyobiPCLST01Ryobi PCLST01 WEED EATER W charger and 1 battery ryobi brushless in good shape$59.95
P35-414039-5RyobiRY401017Ryobi RY401017 MOWER Battery operated mower w one batt and charger in good shape w bag$219.95
P35-414039-4RyobiRY404010VMNRyobi RY404010VMN BLOWER Ryobi bloer 40v one battery attached$189.95
P35-414032-3MAKITA96078***MAKITA 96078*** grinder Green corded grinder , no guard , no handle , in okay condition ,$49.95
P35-414032-1DeWaltDCF887DeWalt DCF887 impact Black and yellow impact in okay condition , with battery , no charger, tested$59.95
P35-413927-4NONENONENONE NONE JUMPER CABLES Nb4 jumper cables ibn yellow bag$19.95
P35-413927-3RyobiHP44LRyobi HP44L SCREWDRIVER Ryobi screwdriver drill in case good condition$19.95
P35-413927-2RyobiD43Ryobi D43 drill Ryobi drill nb4 in green case all good$19.95
P35-413920-6DewaltDCBP634Dewalt DCBP634 battery Single power stack battery okay condition$39.95
P35-413920-4DewaltDCD709Dewalt DCD709 1/2” cordless hammer drill driver one battery (2AH) no charger$64.95
P35-413918-1Mcgraw64857Mcgraw 64857 compressor Medium/ large air compressor good condition stand up$149.95
P35-413891-1Rigid0F60150HBRigid 0F60150HB compressor Orange and black 6 gallon 150 psi in good condition$99.95
P35-413879-2DewaltNONEDewalt NONE Dewalt Tool Set Socket set / tool set in black case klein nut driver most there$69.95
P35-413861-2DewaltDW304Dewalt DW304 SAWZALL Corded sawzall dewalt older$39.95
P35-413860-1StihlFS 56 RCStihl FS 56 RC TRIMMER Orange and light grey trimmer in good condition , tested$139.95
P35-413809-1Craftmans315.1041Craftmans 315.1041 drill Black and silver drill wired older style has drill bit in it handle has a few dirt spots$9.95
P35-413808-3RyobiP2003VNMRyobi P2003VNM weedwacker Green and grey weedwaker battery powered has charger and battery a tad dirty in good condition nb4$39.95
P35-413808-201Ryobi charger$9.95
P35-413808-2RyobiP2109VNMRyobi TOOL ONLY P2109VNM blower Green and black leafblower$49.95
P35-413808-1RyobiRY401017Ryobi RY401017 LAWN MOWER Green and grey lawnmowerbattery powered has one 40v battery in it nb4$179.95
P35-413762-4Micro Mechanic18002Micro Mechanic 18002 SCANNER Small car scanner that blue tooths to the phone and shows what wrong$9.95
P35-413750-2MAKITAXMT03MAKITA XMT03 oscillating tool Makita oscillating tool with battery$59.95
P35-413738-2DewaltDCB101Dewalt DCB101 BATTERY CHRGR Dewalt single battery charger$19.95
P35-413738-1MetaboUC18YSL3Metabo UC18YSL3 charger Batter charger with small 18v 3.0 battery charger has usb port and serg protection$39.95
P35-413729-1HitachiC 18DGLHitachi C 18DGL CIRCULAR SAW Green and black in color w one battery attahed tested$79.95
P35-413660-2Snap OnPT850Snap On PT850 impact Red snap on air impact, nb4, good condition$99.95
P35-413648-2RidgidR32104Ridgid R32104 SAW WORM Orange and black wired saw covered in dust in good condition$84.95
P35-413648-1RyobiCSB123Ryobi CSB123 SAW blue saw has some paint stains wired works$14.95
P35-413632-1SunjoeSPX3000Sunjoe SPX3000 presswasher Sunjoe green and black with hose and tips$89.95
P35-413604-2MILWAUKEE26**-**MILWAUKEE 26**-** DRILLDRIVER 1 5.0 Batt NO CHARGER$74.95
P35-413604-1MILWAUKEE2735-20MILWAUKEE 2735-20 LIGHT Milwaukee light no b attery works tested$12.95
P35-413586-2Skil1810Skil 1810 ROUTER Red and grey skil router with one bit in it$44.95
P35-413527-3PORTER CABLEFR35CPORTER CABLE FR35C FRAMING NAILER In black case, porter cable framing nailer tested works$59.95
P35-413527-1RidgidR350PNARidgid R350PNA PALM NAILER In black case ridgid #r350pna 3-1/2” palm nailer w/ case$34.95
P35-413501-2Mac ToolsPB38Mac Tools PB38 split bar In good condition , split bar$74.95
P35-413498-101Breaker Bar$24.95
P35-413453-2Temcoth0037Temco th0037 Knockout Hydraulic knockout punch kit in blue box good condition all good all there$199.95
P35-413430-3DuracellLED WORK LIGHTDuracell LED WORK LIGHT work light Led duracell work light$11.95
P35-413333-1Black and Decker8124Black and Decker 8124 TRIMMER Small wired orange trimmer in good codnition$5.95
P35-413331-2NONENONENONE NONE JUMPER red and black cables all good$9.95
P35-413251-1MAKITA9031MAKITA 9031 SANDER Small thin sander has handle in good codnition$89.95
P35-413219-1DeWaltDWS780DeWalt DWS780, MITER SAW Dewalt miter saw with stand yellow and black$399.95
P35-413186-1MAKITAEK6101MAKITA EK6101 demo saw Older demo saw tested works okay condition$539.95
P35-413178-2Mac ToolsAW434Mac Tools AW434 air wrench Clean silver mac in good conition$49.95
P35-413133-1Duracell660Duracell 660 BATTERY BANK generator Black duracell generator battery$399.95
P35-413117-1Champion100262Champion 100262 GENERATOR Black and yellow champion generator tested works okay condition$399.95
P35-413044-3DeWaltDWE305DeWalt DWE305 recipricating saw Dewalt yellow and black recip saw corded tested no blade$49.95
P35-413043-1Craftsmancmccs610Craftsman cmccs610 chainsaw Red cordless battery powered chainsaw, with battery and charger$99.95
P35-413000-5Milwaukee0880-20Milwaukee 0880-20 VAC/PUMP Black and red box work vacuum no battery has hose okay condition$89.95
P35-413000-3Milwaukee2801-20Milwaukee 2801-20 drill Drill driver tool only okay condition$39.95
P35-413000-2Fluke NetworksINTELLITONE PRO 200Fluke Networks INTELLITONE PRO 200 probe kit In black soft case, toner analog probe kit okay condition$49.95
P35-412931-6DewaltDCW200Dewalt DCW200 sander Small palm cordless sander w/ battery no charger$49.95
P35-412918-3Bauer1641E-BBauer 1641E-B rotary hammer In black case red and black$79.95
P35-412653-1BolensBL160Bolens BL160 WEEDEATER Yellow and black stright shaft ok condition$49.95
P35-412645-1MILWAUKEE5262-21MILWAUKEE 5262-2 rotary hammer in box with lots of bitS tested all good$89.95
P35-412606-2WetolsWE345Wetols WE345 ROUTER Black cloth case w extra plates on bottom teswted$49.95
P35-412537-2Performance ToolW2977Performance Tool W2977 OBDII Reader red$9.95
P35-412463-2HartVOC608S 3702Hart VOC608S 3702 shop vac In og box, hart small 6g shop vac, tested, has hose$19.95
P35-412446-2Chicago Electric69582Chicago Electric 69582 JIGSAW Red corded chicago jigsaw, good condition, no bag$9.95
P35-412388-3Craftsman917.388521Craftsman 917.388521 LAWN MOWER Black and red lawn mower, string is messed up a little has bag rusty on sides$89.95
P35-412388-2Toro20047Toro 20047 LAWN MOWER Red and black toro lawn mower with bag$199.95
P35-412376-4Milwaukee6232-20Milwaukee 6232-20 BAND SAW Corded milwakee band saw in mid conditon$149.95
P35-412326-2AmprobeTH-2AAmprobe TH-2A tempeture meter Red humidity tempeture meter in og box$49.95
P35-412283-402green EXTENSION CORD$9.95
P35-412283-1IrwinNVMNIrwin NVMN clamps 6 blue clamps in ok condition$39.95
P35-412275-1Noco GeniusGB40Noco Genius GB40 jump starter In good condition , with cables ,$69.95
P35-412269-2DewaltN115970Dewalt N115970 battery Dewalt smaller battery 20v xr lition batt$19.95
P35-412244-6MaddoxMB4-1Maddox MB4-1 door skin repair In small black case door repair kit in good condition$19.95
P35-412228-103Milwaukee Battery 1.5$19.95
P35-412185-4DewaltDW682Dewalt DW682 plate joiner Inside a black case dewalt joiner electric$79.95
P35-412185-3DewaltDCCS670Dewalt DCCS670 CHAIN SAW Tool only No batt no Charger$159.95
P35-412185-2StihlMS170Stihl MS170 CHAIN SAW Stihl orange and white chainsaw with black handle ms170$169.95
P35-412185-1StihlMS181CStihl MS181C CHAIN SAW Stihl orange and whtie chainsaw ms181c$169.95
P35-412181-1Wood’s Powr-GripLJ6Wood’s Powr-Grip LJ6 suction cup Teal and black in color single suction cup$39.95
P35-412163-201Trailer Hitch with Pin all Good$19.95
P35-412163-2NONENONETrailer Hitch With Pin$19.95
P35-412122-1Ridgid700-T2Ridgid 700-T2 No Dies Pipe Threader Machien Good Conditioni$499.95
P35-412112-2Portland62896Portland 62896 pole saw Wired green and grey long has blade cover in ok condition$39.95
P35-412112-1Lynx63288Lynx 63288 Chain Saw on Pole has blade cover grey and yellow no charger for battery\$39.95
P35-412099-1EarthquakeMC43Earthquake MC43 rototiller Green and black earthquake rototiller started great good condition$79.95
P35-411980-1EchoSRM-210Echo SRM-210 weed eater Echo straight shaft trimmmer tested w head pc$84.95
P35-411784-3Paslode53540/90S-PMPaslode 53540/90S-PM framing nailer Passlode larger framinag nailer older bought here$79.95
P35-411782-3BoschSX1838Bosch SX1838 fastener In small black case little nailer orange air$29.95
P35-411782-2DewaltDW331Dewalt DW331 JIGSAW In black small case like new wired used a few time$69.95
P35-411733-3DewaltDWE6401DSDewalt DWE6401DS SANDER Yellow and black circular sander, tested$49.95
P35-411677-5WorxWX696LWorx WX696L muti In worx bag no battery orange and black small in good codnition$39.95
P35-411677-3WorxWX529LWorx WX529L CIRCULAR SAW right handed has battery and charger$39.95
P35-411647-1Stiletto14Stiletto 14 hammer 14” titanium w wood handle$69.95
P35-411610-1RyobiRY40021Ryobi RY40021 Cordless Trimmer / Edger Green TOOL ONLY$29.95
P35-411584-1NONENONENONE NONE JUMPER CABLES Standard use jumper cables red and black$9.95
P35-411577-1RyobiTVM01Ryobi TVM01 DREMEL In green/grey hard case, dremel with attachments and charger with extra accessories$39.95
P35-411550-3Craftsman315.212110Craftsman 315.212110 MITER saw Craftsman chop saw grey in color$59.95
P35-411548-3Snap OnSLX80ASnap On SLX80A wrench 30” snap on ratchet wrench 1/2”$169.95
P35-411334-2Boschgll100-40gBosch gll100-40g laser level Bosch ptofessional laser level in box great condition with atatchments and tripod good condition$129.95
P35-411330-2MILWAUKEE6232-20MILWAUKEE 6232-20 BAND SAW Red and black in red hard case milwaukee band saw tested$179.95
P35-411311-3Chicago Electric98871Chicago Electric 98871 WELDER Chicago electric welder blue alright condition tested all is good$79.95
P35-411287-2Snap OnOEXM170BSnap On OEXM170B WRENCH SET Metric snap on wrench set 7pc set$189.95
P35-411257-502dewalt battery 20v 5ah$39.95
P35-411202-5Husqvarna125BVHusqvarna 125BV blower Orange and grey husqvrna blower gas powered, tested, good condition$99.95
P35-411029-1Toro20378Toro 20378 LAWN MOWER Red mower no bag starts right up in goodcondition$239.95
P35-410985-1EchoCS-490Echo CS-490 chainsaw Orange echo chainsaw, used condition, tested, started good$229.95
P35-410875-3Road ProRPSC-197-PRoad Pro RPSC-197-P luncbox Heated lunchbox in originalb ox black 12v lunch box$39.95
P35-410875-2ButterflyNONEButterfly NONE stove Red and white kerosene stove butterfly uintested all good$29.95
P35-410873-1Ryobi92805Ryobi 92805 mister Ryobi dissenfectant sprayer, with battery and charger$59.95
P35-410819-5DeWaltDW08DeWalt DW08 laser Small dewalt laser no case, good condition$89.95
P35-410775-1Duralast2TONDuralast 2TON jack Blue 2 ton jack w bar in cluded very little wear$24.95
P35-410754-1StanleyFATMAXStanley FATMAX jump sbtartr Portable jump starter w/ charger$49.95
P35-410737-6PowerflarePF-200Powerflare PF-200 lights In hard case, 6 pack roadside flare lights led$299.95
P35-410737-5Checkers Industrial Safety ProductsFLAREKITCheckers Industrial Safety Products FLAREKIT lights In black hard case, 6 pack roadside led lights$119.95
P35-410715-4PORTER CABLE347PORTER CABLE 347 CIRCULAR SAW Porter cable corded circ saw used condtion$49.95
P35-410715-3DeWaltDW321DeWalt DW321 JIGSAW Corded dewalt jig saw$39.95
P35-410715-2MAKITAJR3050TMAKITA JR3050T RECIPRICATING Saw Makita recip saw corded decent wear good shape tho$29.95
P35-410715-1Bosch11255VSRBosch 11255VSR hammer drill Nb4 bosch hammer drill w handle black and blue in color$89.95
P35-410652-1WorxWG307Worx WG307 jawsaw Corded black and orange okay condition tested works$44.95
P35-410576-3CraftsmanCMCD710TOOL ONLY Craftsman CMCD710 DRILL BIT SET Craftsman drill no battery no charger all good tested works clean condtiion$19.95
P35-410576-2CraftsmanCMCF810Craftsman CMCF810 impact drill Craftsman impact with one battery and charger tested all good reat condition$44.95
P35-410550-3FlukeT5-600Fluke T5-600 Multimeter Fluke ywllow w attached leads bais meter$49.95
P35-410454-1Craftsman41ad25c793Craftsman 41ad25c793 WEEDEATER Craftsman weedeater gas powered great codntion craftsman$59.95
P35-410395-1TROY BILTTB21ECTROY BILT TB21EC weed eater Older style weed eater used condition$44.95
P35-410366-2RyobiRY401017Ryobi RY401017 LAWN MOWER Black with green and grey , with one battery and charger , nb4 under brothers account , tested$199.95
P35-410366-1Kobalt0358938Kobalt 0358938 MITER SAW-ELECT Blac with grey in good condition , nb4 under brothrs acc. Tested$119.95
P35-410262-1Kobalt5034336Kobalt 5034336 mitor saw Nice newer kobalt mitor saw blue with sock tested works well great condish$169.95
P35-410117-3RyobiRE180PL1GRyobi RE180PL1G ROUTER Green/grey ryobi router$49.95
P35-410015-1Craftsman247.388140Craftsman 247.388140 mower 550 series runs well all good throttle needs work$89.95
P35-409918-1Titan440Titan 440 paint sprayer Titan 440 nb4 paint sprayer tested works well$549.95
P35-409745-101Blue Point 16Pc 12pt Deep Socket Set 8-24MM$139.95
P35-409694-2Mini DuctorMD-700Mini Ductor MD-700 ductor In black hard case, mini ductor handheld induction heater tested works used condition$299.95
P35-409694-1Snap OnTQR600ESnap On TQR600E torque wrench In black hard case, large snap on torque wrnech good condition like new$649.95
P35-409671-2Performax241-0945Performax 241-0945 reciprocating saw Grey compact reciprocating saw , in used condition , tested$24.95
P35-409671-1DremelX24Dremel X24 SAW Black with grey , corded saw in okay condition , tested$29.95
P35-409661-1Craftsman247.377001Craftsman 247.377001 lawnmower Red craftsman mower tested good conditoin$179.95
P35-409652-2KobaltWH-801Kobalt WH-801 welder mask Kobalt welder mask w lightning some scuff overall good shape shader in great shape$69.95
P35-409608-2DewaltDW705Dewalt DW705 miter saw Yellow and black miter saw in good condition , no bag , tested$179.95
P35-409588-1MAKITA5007mgMAKITA 5007mg CIRCULAR SAW Blue makita$79.95
P35-409508-1Oreckorb700mbOreck orb700mb floor polisher Oreck floor polisher black ans silver tested good condition all good$149.95
P35-409496-1WorxWX429LWorx WX429L CIRCULAR SAW Hand circ saw worx used in new box good condiiotn with extra blades lal good$39.95
P35-409400-1EchoSRM-225Echo SRM-225 weed eater Echo weed eater good condition, missing guard, starts$89.95
P35-409385-1Crafsman536.772321Crafsman 536.772321 EDGER Walk behind edger in good condition started no proplem$59.95
P35-409371-1Lawn Boy10730Lawn Boy 10730 LAWN MOWER Green and black starts right up in great condition has bag$219.95
P35-409302-4RigidR150FSF3Rigid R150FSF3 finish stapler Rigid 18ga finish stapler$29.95
P35-409302-301360 Full Circle Drywall Sander on Exension Pole$44.95
P35-409207-1WpgE4950Wpg E4950 suction cup In hard black case suction cup nb4 a few times greenishblue w black cup$59.95
P35-409206-1Milwaukee6509-31Milwaukee 6509-31 sawzaLL In hard red case$39.95
P35-409019-1STHLMS180STHL MS180 CHAIN SAW Small has blade cover starts right up in good condition$229.95
P35-408757-2Snap OnKRSC46HBFISnap On KRSC46HBFI tool box Tall snap on box with top good condition w KEY$1799.95
P35-408757-126MAC Circuit Tester ET116 Cordless Tester$24.95
P35-408707-2DeWaltDW0733DeWalt DW0733 laser tripod Dewalt laser tripod mount peice still attached to laser in other loan on account minor scufs and scratches$49.95
P35-408660-201Single Small delwat Battery 2.0AH$19.95
P35-408630-2Ryobi095337108Ryobi 095337108 leafblower Backpack leafblower ryobi tested with atatchment all good$199.95
P35-408525-2EchoCS-3510Echo CS-3510 chainsaw Nb4, orange echo 16” chainsaw, has chain guard$219.95
P35-408524-1Kobalt45758Kobalt 45758 tool set In small black and blue kobalt bag has filles pliers wrenc$12.95
P35-408371-201Dewalt 8AH Huge battery Li Ion Yellow abnd Black$79.95
P35-408091-2EchoPPT-280Echo PPT-280 pole saw Ecfho pole saw ppt*-280 tested blade guard attached large orange handle$339.95
P35-408045-1DeWaltDCST925DeWalt DCST925 WEEDEATER Dewalt weedeater with battery no charge$119.95
P35-407986-3Craftsman18PC SOCKETCraftsman 18PC SOCKET SOCKET SET Craftsman socket set in red box missing 2 pc$79.95
P35-407966-1RidgidR4513Ridgid R4513 TABLE SAW Orange corded table saw with fence and angle, on folding dolly$249.95
P35-407870-1Matco ToolsNVMMatco Tools NVM tool box Blue Matco Tool Box 6 Drawers and Power Cabinet$1799.95
P35-407790-1Dimensions12/1200NDimensions 12/1200N inverter Power inverter tested w cords for alternator battery set as well$739.95
P35-407563-1Milwaukee1680-20Milwaukee 1680-20 super hawg speed drill Red and black drill , in good condition , tested$134.95
P35-407320-1DeWaltDCB201DeWalt DCB201 battery , 20v max , in good condition$19.95
P35-407308-3Milwaukee48-59-2401Milwaukee 48-59-2401 BATTERY CHRGR Milw battery charger m12 tube battery type$9.95
P35-407307-6ARROW Fastener CoET-50ARROW Fastener Co ET-50 STAPLE GUN Red staple corded gun$9.95
P35-407307-5ARROW Fastener CoETN-50ARROW Fastener Co ETN-50 stapler 1 corded staplers industrial work type works tested$9.95
P35-407271-2DeWaltDWHT20547DeWalt HYPER TENSION HACK SAW DWHT20547$19.95
P35-406948-1MAKITA6821MAKITA 6821 power drywall screwdriver Greenish blue , tested , in okay condition$14.95
P35-406849-1DewaltDCF885Dewalt DCF885 Drill Dewalt impact drill set nb4 with two batterys adn drill in bag all there all good with charger$159.95
P35-406795-2FreemanPFS9Freeman PFS9 fencing nailer Orange and black nailer in good condition$119.95
P35-406661-1Ryobiry4005Ryobi ry4005 pole saw Pole saw w 40v battery and charger nb4$119.95
P35-406659-603Blue Point 3 PC Adjustable Wrench Set impact steel$89.95
P35-406423-3Klein ToolsCL220Klein Tools CL220 CLAMP METER Orange and grey clamp meter in black pouch$39.95
P35-406264-1Hasqarvana440Hasqarvana 440 CHAIN SAW Black and orange chainsaw in good condition , no case , tested$219.95
P35-406135-1Snap Oneect900Snap On eect900 multi probe Snap on red and black cords w leads tested needs to be hooked up to battery to work$229.95
P35-406049-1Bosch1194vsrBosch 1194vsr hammer drill Bosch corded hammer dril has red paint on it works tested$39.95
P35-405753-2StihlMS391Stihl MS391 CHAIN SAW Stihl longggggg blade chainsaw n4 under holly baker works tested$659.95
P35-405716-1Vct Tools03714Vct Tools 03714 TORQUE WRENCH Inside a red hard case 1/4” torque$34.95
P35-405651-5BoschGLM-20Bosch GLM-20 laser In bag$29.95
P35-405651-4BoschGLL 1PBosch GLL 1P laser small dark blue/green, in case$29.95
P35-405651-3BoschGTL2Bosch GTL2 laser dark blue/green laser$29.95
P35-405362-1HuskyH4150Husky H4150 ratchet Husky ratchet wrench black and silver$24.95
P35-405254-310Craftsman Torq Sticks iN red case set of 5$49.95
P35-405254-305KOBALT MICRO SCREWDRIVER SET in Blue case$19.95
P35-405020-1DeWaltDCD777DeWalt DCD777 drill Brushless yellow/black no batt no charger$39.95
P35-404918-1MILWAUKEE48-59-2401MILWAUKEE 48-59-2401 charger Milwaukee battey charger m2$9.95
P35-404290-3West Ward1PZ54West Ward 1PZ54 steel tap 110 pc in hard black medium sized case like new$199.95
P35-403895-1Graco17G177Graco 17G177 paint spayer Airless graco magnum prox17 tested held pressure w hose and gun$249.95
P35-403485-2BoschGCL-25Bosch GCL-25 LASER Bosch self 5 point alighment laser ok condition$49.95
P35-403485-1031.5AH Dewalt Battery li ion$19.95
P35-403485-1021.5 AH Smaller Dewalt li ion battery$19.95
P35-403485-1011.5AH Dewatl Battery$19.95
P35-402962-3HartBPH013Hart Battery 1.5AH Black battery$9.95
P35-400581-126snap on gts281 flank deep socket$29.95
P35-400581-117gp 1211p pipe plug impact set$24.95
P35-400548-3RyobiOP4026Ryobi OP4026 BATTERY Green and black ryobi battery 40v lithium ion$44.95
P35-399747-1RigidR1020Rigid R1020 angle grinder Ridgid twist handle 7” angle grinder r1020 big, no handle, has guard$79.95
P35-399607-5Klein Tools50611Klein Tools 50611 wire puller In black heard case, magnetic wire puller good condition$39.95
P35-399607-4Ideal61-310Ideal 61-310 multi meter Yellow and black digital multi meter has cord okay condition$19.95
P35-399607-2Klein Tools56312Klein Tools 56312 rod set In clear tube, 12′ fish rod set used for electrical wire$19.95
P35-399085-2Dremel8240Dremel 8240 DREMEL Inside black soft case dremel grey with charger$49.95
P35-398789-2EgoST1500SFEgo ST1500SF weed eater Ego weed eater No Batt Tool only$49.95
P35-398783-5BoschGLM 40Bosch GLM 40 distance measurer Bosch in og case distance measurement tool$29.95
P35-398656-1MAKITAGA7021MAKITA GA7021 Grinder Large green and black grinder w dust cllector guard$119.95
P35-398551-1TrimmerPlusLE720TrimmerPlus LE720 trimmer attachment Edging trimer head for weed eater$9.95
P35-397396-1Vivax MetrotechVX205-2Vivax Metrotech VX205-2 locator Inside a black case vivax lock 2 locator with red and black leads$1899.95
P35-394294-1OregonNVMNOregon Chain Saw Shapener chain grinder Like no has few pieces with it, corded tested$19.95
P35-392536-1RyobiRY401011VNMRyobi RY401011VNM LAWN MOWER Green lawn mower tested electric no charger has battery$179.95
P35-390497-2BLUE POINTBT27BLUE POINT BT27 spring compressor In og pckaging single spring brake tool$29.95
P35-387085-1FlukePRO3000PROBEFluke PRO3000PROBE Cable Tracer In black case with all aprts pro3000 probe$39.95
P35-384142-1Gun BossNVMNGun Boss NVMN multi-kit Gun boss multi-kit double duty cleaning system in og box$29.95
P35-382187-215Propane Work heater Torpedo Contractor Series$59.95
P35-374078-1RigidR8223500Rigid R8223500 multi tool Rigid multi tool, no charger, no battey, tool only, used conditiob$14.95
P35-372716-1Klean ToolsVDV500-705TKlean Tools VDV500-705T tracer Black and yellow klein tools tracer decent condition does have some stripped wire but works fine$9.95
P35-368276-3BestwayP3116Bestway P3116 air pump Orange corded bestway inflatable house air blower tested works fine$69.95
P35-367102-2Ever StartBC40BEEver Start BC40BE BATTERY CHRGR In originla box battery charger new condition$49.95
P35-366799-2BADGERWB20VBBADGER WB20VB yard set Blower and trimmer one battery no charger$24.95
P35-363139-1Foley1055Foley 1055 BENCH GRINDER Black and red, foley belsaw sharp all, mounted, one grinding wheel, one missing$169.95
P35-356553-2Tornado98772MWTornado SD3500 98772MW blower / Carpet Fan Black tornado blower$129.95
B35-416871-3Home Lite090330012Home Lite 090330012 weed wacker Homelite weed eater runs great all good$69.95
B35-416871-2Craftsman41BR25B2793Craftsman 41BR25B2793 leaf blower Craftsman red leav blower two stroke$69.95
B35-416871-1Husqvarna122HD60Husqvarna 122HD60 EDGER Husqy bush trimmer edger orange great conditino runs well$179.95
B35-416870-2Hyper Tough10774231Hyper Tough 10774231 air pimp Small air pump has power cord black and red in good codnition$9.95
B35-416854-4CRESCENTNONECRESCENT NONE SOCKET SET Crescebnt socket set missing a few in black case red handles$39.95
B35-416854-3NONENONENONE NONE cables Jumper cables nive heavy guage cables$19.95
B35-416854-2County LineCLU25County Line CLU25 sump ppump Water pump black rough county line$69.95
B35-416853-4Milwaukee2606-20Milwaukee 2606-20 drill Milwaukee drill no battery good condition$44.95
B35-416853-3Graco262800Graco 262800 paint sprayer Graco paint sprayer x5 blue used good condition$139.95
B35-416853-2DeWaltDWFP12233DeWalt DWFP12233 brad nailer Dewalt stapler in case great condition$49.95
B35-416853-1Milwaukee48-11-1813Milwaukee 48-11-1813 battery Milwaukee 12.0 battery forge big boy hd12.0$159.95
B35-416851-6Milwaukee2836-20Milwaukee 2836-20 multi tool Milwaukee multi tool mikwaujee 18v no batt good condition with triangle all good$89.95
B35-416851-5Black DiamondNONEBlack Diamond NONE buggie Kart black diamond kart plastic wagon cart thing$49.95
B35-416851-2KT3-7102KT 3-7102 torch Oxy torch seems all good$49.95
B35-416851-1MaddoxMH5-1Maddox MH5-1 leak down tester Maddox automotive tools in black case mh5-1$39.95
B35-416850-6Gear WrenchNONEGear Wrench NONE framer Blue air framer blue great condition combinailer$14.95
B35-416850-4HarperNONHarper NON welding gass dollie Green harper aseteline gas dollie good condition made in the usa$9.95
B35-416850-301Millwaukee 5.0 battery$44.95
B35-416850-2WayneEEAUP250Wayne EEAUP250 water pump Electric sump water removal black good condition switch brand$49.95
B35-416850-1Better Built79011019Better Built 79011019 TOOL BOX Mini diamond steel truck tool box betteru built good condition$99.95
B35-416846-5Milwaukee48-59-1808Milwaukee 48-59-1808 charger Milwaukee rapid charger, good condition$34.95
B35-416846-3Milwaukee2656-20Milwaukee 2656-20 impact Milwaukee impact, used condition, older$34.95
B35-416846-2Milwaukee48-11-1880Milwaukee 48-11-1880 battery Milwaukee 8ah battery, good condition$79.95
B35-416797-1MilwaukeeNVMNMilwaukee NVMN packout Toolbox pack out in ok shape no handle box only$49.95
B35-416796-6Milwaukee2801-20Milwaukee 2801-20 drill Non hammer drill red and black in color no batt tool only$39.95
B35-416796-5Milwaukee2626-20Milwaukee 2626-20 multitool Rd and black in color milwaukee multi tool$79.95
B35-416796-4Milwaukee2850-20Milwaukee 2850-20 impact Red and blackl milly simple impact no batt tool only$39.95
B35-416796-3RidgidHD12000Ridgid HD12000 vacuum No wheels ridgid vacuum corded w hose$29.95
B35-416796-1RyobiRY401017Ryobi RY401017 electric mower Ryobi electric mower w batt and charer$159.95
B35-416792-5ArtipolyNVMNArtipoly NVMN socket set Artipoly socket set in black hard case 20pc set$39.95
B35-416792-2Milwaukee2114-21Milwaukee 2114-21 flood light Red and black in good condition$29.95
B35-416772-1MilwaukeeROVERMilwaukee ROVER FLASHLIGHT Small milwaukee magnetic flashlight$19.95
B35-416770-6RidgidNVMNNVMN PIPE WRENCH Aluminum 24” pipe wrench in good shape teeth$19.95
B35-416770-5DremelF013030005Dremel F013030005 ROTARY TOOL Dremel 300 corded tested in ok shape in bag$14.95
B35-416770-4DremelF013630000Dremel F013630000 ROTARY TOOL Dremel multi max 6300 corded tested$19.95
B35-416770-3DremelF013680000Dremel F013680000 ROTARY TOOL Dremel trio in bag w items 3-6 corded$19.95
B35-416770-2DeWaltDCD794DeWalt DCD794 drill Drill yellow and black in color on ebatt one charger in bag w itme 1$74.95
B35-416770-1DeWaltDCD791DeWalt DCD791 drill Drill tool only yellow black in color$34.95
B35-416740-1Craftsman137.216100Craftsman 137.216100 SCROLL SAW Corded craftman sivler in color no blad in good ish shape$39.95
B35-416710-5MILWAUKEE3INRMILWAUKEE 3INR BATTERY Milwaukee battery m12$19.95
B35-416710-2MILWAUKEE2836-20MILWAUKEE 2836-20 multi tool Milwaukee multi tool with battery good conditoin with blade$119.95
B35-416710-1Skill SawSPT99Skill Saw SPT99 table saw Skill saw table saw with fence all good worm drive$399.95
B35-416697-2RidgidBC-810ARidgid BC-810A bench vice Orange ridgid bench vice with chain$299.95
B35-416697-1WRIGHT9S292WRIGHT 9S292 torque multiplier Wright torque multiplier tool silver with big socket ll good$799.95
B35-416646-1RyobiRJ162VRyobi RJ162V SAWZALL In blue blag, ryobi older sawzall corded$11.95
B35-416618-4PORTER CABLEBN125APORTER CABLE BN125A brad nailer Porter cable brad nailer grey &* black tested works$24.95
B35-416618-3Sears161.214230Sears 161.214230 engine analyzer Black engine analyzer w cords in back$19.95
B35-416618-2Crafsman646.10729Crafsman 646.10729 POLISHER In og box craftsman 6” polisher/buffer w polishing bonnet tested works$9.95
B35-416618-1HitachiC10FCE2Hitachi C10FCE2 MITER SAW Green hitachi miter saw corded used tested works$59.95
B35-416600-1DeWalt104M020223F1DeWalt 104M020223F1 LAWN MOWER Dewalt lawn mower self propelled rwd yellow briggs motor tested runs first pull great condition$219.95
B35-416539-1DewaltDW318Dewalt DW318 JIGSAW Inside a black case dewalt jigsaw yellow$39.95
B35-416517-4Little MiteLMSBLittle Mite LMSB Hoist 3/4 ton little mite red chain hoist$24.95
B35-416517-3Vulcan1823921Vulcan 1823921 Tripple Hitch Tripple trailer hitch no pin$39.95
B35-416446-5DewaltDWE402Dewalt DWE402 grinder No handle no guard corded dewalt grinder$29.95
B35-416446-4AmpcoAMP00Ampco AMP00 sledge hammer Yellow handle ampco sledge hammer$79.95
B35-416442-6BoschGAM220MFBosch GAM220MF LEVEL Digital level in soft case in ok condit$99.95
B35-416442-1DewaltDCR015Dewalt DCR015 work radio Yellow in color corded or battery operated radio in used condition$79.95
B35-416428-3Milwaukee2720-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2720-20 SAWZALL Red amd blacl in good condition, tool only , no battery ,no charger$69.95
B35-416428-2Milwaukee5ICR19/66Milwaukee 5ICR19/66 battery Black and red in good condition , m18 1.5ah$19.95
B35-416428-1CORNWELLCJPXX9CORNWELL CJPXX9 charger Blue , in good condition , with charger$199.95
B35-416357-2NONENONENONE NONE motorcycle ramp Aluminum moto ramp for truck bed all good$44.95
B35-416355-6Milwaukee2656-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2656-20 hex impact Milwaukee impact tool$39.95
B35-416355-5Milwaukee2656-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2656-20 drill Milwaukee apex hex bit no charger no battery tool on ly all good$39.95
B35-416355-4Shop Vac4030DHShop Vac 4030DH shop vac Shop vac brand chrome black red all good$19.95
B35-416355-3DeWaltDW0892GDeWalt DW0892G laser level Dewalt laser level in box with stand all good$79.95
B35-416355-2Milwaukee6130-33Milwaukee 6130-33 milwaukee grinder No guard no handle$39.95
B35-416355-1Milwaukee2836-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2836-20 multi tool Milwaukee multi tool$89.95
B35-416353-6Milwaukee2606-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2606-20 drill Milwaukee drill driver red no battery no charger good condition$44.95
B35-416353-5Milwaukee2680-20Milwaukee 2680-20 grinder No huard no handle no battery no charger tool only good conditoin$69.95
B35-416353-3Milwaukee2426-20Milwaukee 2426-20 multi tool Vibrating multi tool milwaukee good condition withbattery no charger$49.95
B35-416353-2Milwaukee2606-20TOOL ONLY Milwaukee 2606-20 drill Milwaukee cordless drill no battery no charger good condition$44.95
B35-416353-1Mighty SevenQA-211Mighty Seven QA-211 die grinder Black and chrome die grinder m7 mighty seven$9.95
B35-416348-2DeWaltDCD771DeWalt DCD771 drill Dewalt drill with battery and dril bit$49.95
B35-416327-1PulsarPG1202SAPulsar PG1202SA GENERATOR Small white and black generator, gas power, used condition works tested$99.95
B35-416324-1StihlFS 56RCStihl FS 56RC String Trimmer Orange stihl straight shaft trimmer good condish w bumper$139.95
B35-416323-6CAMPBELL HAUSFEldFP260000DICAMPBELL HAUSFEld FP260000DI Mini Compressor Small blue compressor campbell hausfeld$19.95
B35-416323-5Kobalt0300841Kobalt 0300841 Compressor Kobalt missing wheels and handle, works fine150 max psi$59.95
B35-416323-4Husqvarna150BTHusqvarna 150BT Backpack Blower Ornge husqvarna backpack blower with both tube parts$199.95
B35-416323-3DewaltDPH3800Dewalt DPH3800 Pressure Washer no hose or gun, with larger pump attached, good condition$399.95
B35-416323-2Craftsman135.17243Craftsman 135.17243 JIGSAW In black case craftsman jigsaw$9.95
B35-416323-1Craftsman315.108320Craftsman 315.108320 CIRCULAR SAW Black circ saw older craftsman$9.95
B35-416322-4KobaltKST 180-06Kobalt KST 180-06 String Trimmer Electric trimmer blue large good condition works w bumper$39.95
B35-416322-3Craftmans138.74503Craftmans 138.74503 TRIMMER Craftsman small weed trimmer electric$14.95
B35-416322-2Shop Vac9000DShop Vac 9000D Shop Vac Grey and red with hose large shop[ vac$19.95
B35-416312-2RyobiD620HTHRyobi D620HTH drill Ryobi corded hammer drill with handle good conditon$14.95
B35-416304-3Milwaukee2853-20Milwaukee 2853-20 drill 1/4” milwaukee impact driver has one battery good condition tested works$89.95
B35-416304-2FORNEYEN175-EN379FORNEY EN175-EN379 helmet All black welding helmet used condition$29.95
B35-416290-1Milwaukee1107-1Milwaukee 1107-1 90 degree 90 degree drill corded older in case great condition$89.95
B35-416254-6HyperthermPOWERMAX 30Hypertherm POWERMAX 30 PLASMA CUTTER Grey and black in color plasma cutter w gun attahed and leads$499.95
B35-416254-1MILWAUKEE48-22-8510MILWAUKEE 48-22-8510 TOOL BOX Milwaukee top of tool box in ok shape s$349.95
B35-416252-6StihlMS 180Stihl MS 180 CHAIN SAW For parts stihl chain saw blade removed in parts shape$199.95
B35-416252-4Power MateXXX438.1Power Mate XXX438.1 GAS AUGER Auger gas driven in ok shape decent wear n tear 43cc$219.95
B35-416252-3RidgidWD18510Ridgid WD18510 SHOP VAC Larger shop vac in ok condition tested w bag on back w hose$59.95
B35-416252-2StihlFS70RStihl FS70R TRIMMER Stihl trimmer in good shape orange and grey in color straight shaft$129.95
B35-416252-1RyobiRY14122Ryobi RY14122 PRESSURE WASHER Ryobi pressure washer 1700 w gun two tips no hose$89.95
B35-416249-5GBNVMNGB NVMN FISH TAPE feeder Red wire feeder used condition$29.95
B35-416247-6DewaltDCD771Dewalt DCD771Drill One Batt NO CHAGRER$59.95
B35-416247-5RidgidR7111Ridgid R7111 DRILL Ridgid drill 1/2” drive chucked drill corded$29.95
B35-416247-4DremelFD1330000Dremel FD1330000 DREMEL Dremel in og grey hard case tested corded$19.95
B35-416247-3MAKITA9403MAKITA 9403 belt sander Makita belt sander in ok shape tested$129.95
B35-416213-4Central Phenatic93532Central Phenatic 93532 shop fan Big black shop fan corded tested all good high output$49.95
B35-416213-2DeWaltD28715DeWalt D28715 chop saw Good condtioin newer dewalt chop saw with new blade corded tested good condition$89.95
B35-416152-1Crafsman11A-B2AQ793Crafsman 11A-B2AQ793 lawnmower Red craftsman mower with bag good condition runs well honda motor$219.95
B35-416114-6Lincoln216 POWER MIGLincoln 216 POWER MIG WELDER *7590, good condition with gun, red, on wheels$999.95
B35-416114-5DewaltNVMDewalt sawhorse set 2 grey and black sawhorse set, used condition$39.95
B35-416114-3MILWAUKEE3650-20MILWAUKEE 3650-20 impact Red milwaukee impact with 5.0 battery$79.95
B35-416096-604RIDGID 24” STEEL PIPE WRENCH$39.95
B35-416096-603RIDGID 36” STEEL PIPE WRENCH$69.95
B35-416096-602RIDGID 36” STEEL PIPE WRENCH$69.95
B35-416096-601RIDGID 36” ALLUMINUM PIPE WRENCH$99.95
B35-416096-6NONENVMRIDGID 60” PIPE WRENCH$249.95
B35-416096-5Bessey25Bessey 25 clamp 36” bessy clamp, good condition, black red and silver$19.95
B35-416096-4Irwin2026501Irwin 2026501 clamp Irwin clamp, large 48”, good condition, blue and silver$19.95
B35-416058-2RidgidR7135Ridgid R7135 ridgid mud mixer Orange dirt ridgid mud mixer with spoon good condition$79.95
B35-416058-1Bauer1962E-BBauer 1962E-B angle grinder 8 inch blade angle grinder red corded dirty tested all good$49.95
B35-416055-2Snap OnECPNI032RSnap On ECPNI032R flash light Small red snap on light with charger good condition$39.95
B35-416045-3Bt MeterBT-856ABt Meter BT-856A Wind Meter In black case bt-856a yellow$29.95
B35-416045-1PacerSE2PLE550Pacer SE2PLE550 Water Pump Pacer, gas motor briggs straton, very beat up$119.95
B35-416044-6Ampere TimeLIFEP04Ampere Time LIFEP04 Battery 48volt li ion battery 48v 100 ah ampere time$499.95
B35-416044-5NONENONENONE NONE Trailer Parts Giant lot of misc trailer parts hookups, etc etc lights$199.95
B35-416044-2Champion90016Champion 90016 GENERATOR Cover Champion orig box 90016$14.95
B35-416044-1Usautomatic050551EBAY Usautomatic 050551 Wireless Keypad NO KEY orig box$99.95
B35-416041-5RegoLOW PRESSURE TEST SETRego LOW PRESSURE TEST SET Pressure Tester In black case low pressure tester rego$24.95
B35-416041-4KeyenceFD-Q20CEBAY Keyence FD-Q20C Flow Meter In og box used a little, flow meter all parts there$199.95
B35-416041-1French CreekNONEFrench Creek NONE yellow fall harness with fall protector$19.95
B35-415974-1CraftsmanCMPBN18SBCraftsman CMPBN18SB NAILER Red & black craftsman nailer used condition, tested works$12.95
B35-415915-1Band-itS75099Band-it S75099 straping/clamp machine Blue in color w thick cord pedal as well attached$1499.95
B35-415899-5022.0 AH Milwaukee Li Ion M18 Battery$24.95
B35-415899-5012.0 AH Milwaukee Li Ion M18 Battery$24.95
B35-415896-2Garden SunHSS-A-SSGarden Sun HSS-A-SS heater Stand up propane heater good codntioin no bottle stainless steel$79.95
B35-415856-2Matco ToolsMT-1837SMatco Tools MT-1837S ratchet Air ratchet w 1/4 inch drive silver in color$39.95
B35-415856-1Mac ToolsAR778Mac Tools AR778 air wrench Mac tools air wrench in good shape somme wear overall good tho$59.95
B35-415799-1LDB1500LD B1500 WINCH Boat winch ld brand b1500$19.95
B35-415798-6Magswitch8100091Magswitch 8100091 boomer Angle boomer welding tool blue 8100091$49.95
B35-415743-1MILWAUKEE2656-20MILWAUKEE 2656-20 impact driver1 Batt and Charger Milwaukee impact$79.95
B35-415720-4Black And DeckerLST522Black And Decker LST522 weed eater Orange and black weed eater has one battery and charger tested works okay condition$29.95
B35-415720-3TROY BILT12A-A2BU711TROY BILT 12A-A2BU711 LAWN MOWER Black and red lawn mower tested works okay condition$199.95
B35-415671-1SCHUMACHERSE-82-6SCHUMACHER SE-82-6 BATTERY CHRGR Small black battery charger used condition$29.95
B35-415632-6NONEA105810Porta Power A105810 hydraulic press Valve mounting plate press red in black case all there all good$69.95
B35-415631-1RyobiFVG51Ryobi FVG51 scrubber kit Ryobi scrubber kit in package all good new$29.95
B35-415629-4NONENONENONE NONE trailer hitch Three balled hitch 2 inch square with pin and cotter$29.95
B35-415629-2DeWaltD*D777DeWalt D*D777 drill Dewalt drill cordless no battery no charger tool only tested all good$24.95
B35-415629-1DeWaltDWE402DeWalt DWE402 angle grinder No guard no handle ewalt with flap tested all good$29.95
B35-415628-1RidgidBC-610ARidgid BC-610A pipe vice Ridgid pipe vice on two inch square stock tubing for hitch$249.95
B35-415627-5Kt ProG3362-2CGKt Pro G3362-2CG TORQUE WRENCH Kt pro in blue box 3/8 drive 80lb seems all good$59.95
B35-415627-2HiltiDAG 700-PHilti DAG 700-P grinder Big boy h8” hilti grinder red tested all good$89.95
B35-415563-1Kobalt0498606Kobalt 0498606 TOOL SET Kobalt 69pc tool set inside a blue case$29.95
B35-415560-1RidgidMS1065LZRidgid MS1065LZ chop saw Orange and grey in color older chop saw corded tested$49.95
B35-415522-1HartHPCK221BSBHart HPCK221BSB DRILL, IMPACT, RECIP SAW, AND LIGHT w/ battery-charger$79.95
B35-415498-2Black And DeckerGH3000Black And Decker GH3000 weed eater Black and decker weed eaqter plug in orange tested all good$19.95
B35-415478-2NONENONENONE NONE strap Lof of four yellow heavy duty straps with metal hooks all good$89.95
B35-415455-1CraftsmanM110Craftsman M110 lawnmower Craftsman lawnmower 140 cc with briggs & straton engine$149.95
B35-415442-1Ryobiry142022vnmRyobi ry142022vnm pressure washer Ryobi pressure washer w an extra hose attached$99.95
B35-415363-1Pittsburgh67338Pittsburgh 67338 wheel carts Set of 4 silver dollys in good condition 1500 lb$99.95
B35-415337-3Maxx AirNATURAL WEARMaxx Air NATURAL WEAR fan Giant yellow fan, okay condition, for shop$59.95
B35-415336-5Flange Wizard ToolsPP-200Flange Wizard Tools PP-200 flange wizard In black hard case flange wizard level kit$99.95
B35-415333-3Lincoln ElectricZ87W4/9-13Lincoln Electric Z87W4/9-13 helmet Welding mask good condition elctric weld mask$79.95
B35-415333-1Ingersoll3107GIngersoll 3107G die grinder Small air powered die grinder$12.95
B35-415329-1Flange Wizard ToolsMSB202Flange Wizard Tools MSB202 burring guides In black case flange burring guide$79.95
B35-415326-5Air Nesco432379Air Nesco 432379 die grinder Air power die grinder used conditiop$8.95
B35-415326-3CAMBELL/HAUSFELNVMCAMBELL/HAUSFEL NVM riviter Blue air riveter used condition$9.95
B35-415326-1DeWaltD28402NDeWalt D28402N grinder Yellow dewalt grinder no guard or handle$29.95
B35-415322-5ULINEH-190ULINE H-190 bag sealer Mylon bag sealer, good condition, blue and corded$14.95
B35-415322-1Crafsman320.48276Crafsman 320.48276 LEVEL Craftsmen angle level in black soft case$39.95
B35-415321-5Black And DeckerJS500Black And Decker JS500 jig saw Jig saw, used condition corded$5.95
B35-415319-5DewaltDW292Dewalt DW292 impact 1/2” drive corded impact yellow, used conditipon$59.95
B35-415319-4MILWAUKEE1107-1MILWAUKEE 1107-1 right angle drill Red corded right angle drill good condition$89.95
B35-415318-6MILWAUKEE6088-30MILWAUKEE 6088-30 grinder Large red milwaukee grinder no handle or guard$89.95
B35-415318-2Fein69908120001Fein 69908120001 saw Metal cutting circ saw, orange and black$219.95
B35-415318-1Kt ProG366D 2EFKt Pro G366D 2EF TORQUE WRENCH 36” 600ft lb torque wrench, good condition, in blue case$249.95
B35-415283-2RyobiP742Ryobi P742 radio Small radio green an d grey no battery or charger in good condition$39.95
B35-415236-2Catco90-624S1G-40Catco 90-624S1G-40 heater Propane gas mountable heater$199.95
B35-415235-4DewaltDCD777Dewalt DCD777 drill driver Cordless drill driver no battery no charger tool only$29.95
B35-415235-1Dewaltdce580Dewalt dce580 adhesive gun Dewalt adhesive gun no tip tool only$119.95
B35-415214-1RidgidR4221Ridgid R4221 MITER SAW-ELECT Ridgid miter saw 12” w bag and guard in good condition$199.95
B35-415097-1RidgidR7000Ridgid R7000 t Ridgid corded drill orange in box tested all good$19.95
B35-415095-4Max BurtonNONEMax Burton NONE stove Max burton stove in box black good condition$9.95
B35-415095-3RyobiP20401Ryobi P20401 weed eater Ryobi battery weed eater with battery and charger good condition$79.95
B35-414960-2RidgidR8655Ridgid R8655 hand saw Orange battery hand saw ridgid tested all good no battery no charger all good$39.95
B35-414914-1MILWAUKEE5262-21MILWAUKEE 5262-21 HAMMER In red hard case, corded rotary hammer drill tested works$89.95
B35-414909-1OrthoNVMOrtho NVM sprayer In og box, like new, backpack sprayer, good condition$49.95
B35-414826-2Olympia48″Olympia 48” PIPE WRENCH Grey in color 48” pipe good teeth aluminum$74.95
B35-414823-2Husky1000025879Husky 1000025879 shelf Workshop shelf husky branded in og box$99.95
B35-414820-5Milwaukee6519-30Milwaukee 6519-30 SAWZALL Red and black and color heavy duty in og box some blades$44.95
B35-414721-1ShinkoT-100GDP-1Shinko T-100GDP-1 Angle Grinder W handle no guard yellow old shinko$14.95
B35-414699-3StihlFS56RCStihl FS56RC weed wacker Stihl weed wacker straight shaft all good all there$129.95
B35-414636-101Malco MAX 2000 Snips$14.95
B35-414636-1MalcoVARIOUSMALCO Max 2000 Cutting Pliers$14.95
B35-414619-2HOBARTxa-5001tHOBART xa-5001t welding hood Welding helmet hobart with inventor lense auto darkening tested all good$79.95
B35-414578-5Craftmans183.17252Craftmans 183.17252 cutter Corded cutting tool tested works used condition$14.95
B35-414560-5JacksonSM Z87 W9-13Jackson SM Z87 W9-13 welding helmet Jackson helmet good condition with powered lense$74.95
B35-414560-4SCOTTSTURF BUILDERSCOTTS TURF BUILDER fertalizer spreader Scotts spreader green good condition with controls$19.95
B35-414559-6DewaltDXSP190681Dewalt DXSP190681 weed sprayer Dewalt weed sprayer backback w batery good condition$149.95
B35-414559-4Kt Pro0a4005crKt Pro 0a4005cr SOCKET SET Kt pro socket set oin blue hard case everything good everything there$99.95
B35-414557-6NONENONENONE Hydraulic crimper In yellow case large crimper with all atatchments no model$79.95
B35-414557-2Craftmans320.48276Craftmans 320.48276 LEVEL 4m1 digital angle finder$59.95
B35-414464-1HOBARTHANDLER 210MVPHOBART HANDLER 210MVP WELDER Tip Broken handler welder has cords okay condition tested works$499.95
B35-414399-1LincolnNONELincoln NONE Welding Helmet Red and black lincoln auto darkening wleding helmet$89.95
B35-414369-2Mac ToolsSVAM8BMac Tools SVAM8B hex drives In red hard case, metric allen bit driver$79.95
B35-414307-1EnergizerENK1100Energizer ENK1100 inverter Energizer inverter 1100w works tested leads ok$69.95
B35-414273-1HyperthermCUTMASTER 82Hypertherm CUTMASTER 82 Plasma Cutter Black and blue cutmaster 82$999.95
B35-414231-1LeathermanWAVELeatherman WAVE multitool Leatherman mutitool no sheath$34.95
B35-414125-2MILWAUKEE2804-20MILWAUKEE 2804-20 hammer drill Hammer drill with bat and charger, used condition$89.95
B35-414124-5MILWAUKEE6088-30MILWAUKEE 6088-30 grinder Big red milwaukee grinder$119.95
B35-414124-4DewaltDW640Dewalt DW840 grinder Yellow 7” dewalt grinder, with handle, no guard$89.95
B35-414095-4HomeliteUT33600AHomelite UT33600A weed eater Homelite curved shaft good condition$79.95
B35-414095-3Toro51978Toro 51978 weed eater Straigt pole whacker toro black$89.95
B35-414095-2Mclane801-3RP-9Mclane 801-3RP-9 EDGER Yellow mclane edger gas tested all good$169.95
B35-414095-1Toro20332Toro 20332 Lawnmower Toro recycler mower with bag red runs good$249.95
B35-414083-3Duralast72-121Duralast 72-121 BREAKERBAR Dura last breaker bar silver in color 1/2 drive$17.95
B35-413980-1Craftmansmna152516Craftmans mna152516 Mower Lawn mower brand new briggs 300cc mower brand new good condition$129.95
B35-413972-1Snapper12A-A2BE707Snapper 12A-A2BE707 LAWN MOWER Snapper lawnmower with black bag tested$119.95
B35-413971-3Wagner2418928Wagner 2418928 wagner Yellow corded paint sprayer small$29.95
B35-413971-2Harthgst06vnmHart hgst06vnm weed eater Hart weed eater no charger in good conditon$29.95
B35-413955-5Craftsman247.886640Craftsman 247.886640 SNOW BLOWER Green and black snow blower, good condition older$349.95
B35-413955-3American Power Pull Copr420American Power Pull Copr 420 hoist 2 ton chain hoist, good condition$89.95
B35-413948-3Lincoln Electric11282 LN-25Lincoln Electric 11282 LN-25 wire feeder Black lincoln wire feeder conversion, with all pieces, used condition$599.95
B35-413948-2NelsonNCD+1000TNelson NCD+1000T WELDER Nelson stud welder, good condition, ncd+ 1000t$1999.95
B35-413948-1Thermal DynamicCUTMASTER 82Thermal Dynamic CUTMASTER 82 plasma cutter Thermal dynamics cutmaster 82, with gun, good condition$999.95
B35-413913-5RoseMountM1T1R8188AUCTION RoseMount M1T1R8188 meter Blue meter in good condition like new , 5300 series$99.95
B35-413913-1Milwaukee2750-20Milwaukee 2750-20 IMPACT 1/4” TOOL ONLY$29.95
B35-413890-1Gemtor942XK-2Gemtor 942XK-2 harness Saftey harness w/ lanyard$199.95
B35-413832-2HannaH1-9813-6Hanna H1-9813-6 temp meter Hanna temp meter black with white prob$79.95
B35-413818-3BoschPB360SBosch PB360S Cordless Radio Blue bosh cordless radio$119.95
B35-413801-1Thermal Dynamic102Thermal Dynamic 102 plasma cutter Black and blue large plasma cutter, with leads, 220v, good condition$1399.95
B35-413795-3RyobiPCL430Ryobi PCL430 multi tool Green ryobi multitool, with battery, no charger$29.95
B35-413794-2Rivet KingsNVMRivet Kings NVM riveter In black hard case, blue riveter, has pieces$9.95
B35-413705-2Catco90.624S1G-40Catco 90.624S1G-40 heater Propane gas mountable heater, good condition, explosion protective$249.95
B35-413705-1Dura PulseGS3-25P0Dura Pulse GS3-25P0 dura pulse Tan dura pulse good condition, has a cord already hooked up to it, ebay only item$599.95
B35-413693-3HitachiBSL 1815SHitachi BSL 1815S battery 18v battery in okay condition$9.95
B35-413693-2MetaboUC 18YKSLMetabo UC 18YKSL charger Black charger in good condition$9.95
B35-413666-1WEN4208WEN 4208 DRILL PRESS Like new never used orange and black$69.95
B35-413650-2DewaltDCD780TOOL ONLY Dewalt DCD780 Drill dewalt Dewalt dril$14.95
B35-413622-3STURTEVANT RICHMONTMD150ISTURTEVANT RICHMONT MD150I TORQUE WRENCH In grey case, torque wrench older in ok conditon$149.95
B35-413605-2EverlastPOWERMTS251SIEverlast POWERMTS251SI WELDER Tig welder, no foot control has leads and power 220 w 110 adapter$999.95
B35-413506-2DewaltDCD791Dewalt DCD791 drill Black and yellow drill in good condition , with battery$69.95
B35-413500-1Dewalt18AEU2C2738Dewalt tool only 18AEU2C2738 LAWN MOWER Battery oped mower w bag in great shape$199.95
B35-413407-3ChantNVMChant NVM HEATER-PROPANE Silver heater propane$49.95
B35-413363-2StanleyE258586Stanley E258586 stapler gun Corded stapler yellow in color tested$9.95
B35-413311-2RidgidR3002Ridgid R3002 SAWZALL Ridgid orange sawzall corded tested all good$24.95
B35-413311-1RidgidR3002Ridgid R3002 SAWZALL Ridgid orange saw corded tested works well all good$24.95
B35-413129-6EchoSRM-2100Echo SRM-2100 WEEDEATER Echo straigh shaft trimmer with bottome bumper gas$74.95
B35-413129-5Black and DeckerST4500Black and Decker ST4500 TRIMMER Elect trimmer with bumper on the bottom ,$14.95
B35-413129-2RidgidR2911Ridgid R2911 ROUTER In og bag, rigid router corded good condition$64.95
B35-413128-2DeWaltDWE304DeWalt DWE304 recip saw Dewalt recip saw corded older$22.95
B35-413111-2CAMPBELL HAUSFESB504000CAMPBELL HAUSFE SB504000 NAILER Small blue nailer air powered in good cocnition$9.95
B35-413073-2Black And DeckerBEMW482BHBlack And Decker BEMW482BH LAWN MOWER Orange and black lawn mower corded small, tested, with bag$59.95
B35-413073-1Hyper ToughHT17-095-033-44Hyper Tough HT17-095-033-44 hedge trimmer Red corded hedge trimmer, tested$9.95
B35-413053-1ProtempPT-45-KFAProtemp PT-45-KFA heater Protemp kerosene black and red heater 45,000 btu$99.95
B35-413001-2Marshal TownQLTMarshal Town QLT drywall stilts Blue drywall stilts everything there good conditino$124.95
B35-412997-1MILLERDIALARC 250MILLER DIALARC 250 WELDER Arc welder, big blue miller, good condition, 220v, has leads$699.95
B35-412994-3CraftsmanNVMNCraftsman NVMN TOOL BOX Black in color tool box craftsman$89.95
B35-412814-2EchoCS-310Echo CS-310 chainsaw Orange 14” chainsaw no chain tested works okay condition$174.95
B35-412805-3Warrior57806Warrior 57806 reciprocating saw Black in okay condition , corded , tested$14.95
B35-412647-2DeWaltDCB201DeWalt DCB201 battery Dewalt older 1.5ah battery$19.95
B35-412577-3Craftsman320.61199Craftsman 320.61199 sander Cordless grey sander$9.95
B35-412550-2Chicaco Electric61205Chicaco Electric 61205 Spot Welder Harbor freight spot welder$99.95
B35-412548-1Ridgid700Ridgid 700 Pipe Threader Ridgid electric pipe threader 700$499.95
B35-412531-1StihlMS362CStihl MS362C chainsaw Orange and black chainsaw, with chain cover, good condition$639.95
B35-412511-2Kobaltlga-620Kobalt lga-620 air hammer Kobalt air hammer missing attachment$7.95
B35-412321-101Smaller Dewlat Single Battery 1.5AH$19.95
B35-412296-6SCHUMACHERSE-2352SCHUMACHER SE-2352 BATTERY CHRGR Black battery charger e$59.95
B35-412242-5MAKITA5007MGMAKITA 5007MG CIRCULAR SAW Magnesium makita nice circular saw$79.95
B35-412183-2DewaltDCB201Dewalt DCB201 battery Dewalt 1.5ah battery good condition$24.95
B35-412183-1DewaltDCB201Dewalt DCB201 battery Dewalt 1.5ah battery good condition$24.95
B35-412182-1HitachiNT65M2Hitachi NT65M2 NAILER Hitachi brad nailer bluish green$29.95
B35-412173-1Rust-oleum2395000Rust-oleum 2395000 striping machine Yellow stripingmachine$79.95
B35-412046-1Lasko7050Lasko 7050 mist Grey big mistor in good conditon a little dirty$69.95
B35-412024-1RyobiP2004Ryobi P2004 weed eater Grey ryobi trimmer w one lit ion bat one charger$29.95
B35-411859-1Mac ToolsV6Mac Tools V6 SOCKET SET Mac socket set 7 piece 26-32mm great conditoni in holder$99.95
B35-411701-5MAKITA90810MAKITA kp0810 planer Makita planer blue corded good condtition testd all good$99.95
B35-411581-3HartHGPM02VNPHart HGPM02VNP lawnmower Cordless four battereis hart brand w charger and bag$129.95
B35-411569-2Chicaco Electric62370Chicaco Electric 62370 RECIPRICATING S red$9.95
B35-411453-103Guardian Fall protection GR6 black w silver hook$24.95
B35-411453-102Sala nano lok blue and yellow w large brass hook$24.95
B35-411453-101Sala nano lok blue and yellow w large brass hook$24.95
B35-411453-1Sala3101277Sala nano lok blue and yellow large prass hook$24.95
B35-411452-6DeWaltDCV581HDeWalt DCV581H vaccum Corded or bat operated vaccum yellow and black w damaged hose$49.95
B35-411452-5MILWAUKEE**37-22MILWAUKEE **37-22 RECIPRICATING S Corded in red hard case milly brand$49.95
B35-411452-1Bosch11258VSRBosch 11258VSR hammer drill No handle in blueish hard case corded$69.95
B35-411449-3DeWaltDW872DeWalt DW872 chop saw Yellow and black dewalt Chop Saw Corded$299.95
B35-411449-1DeWaltDCV581HDeWalt DCV581H vaccum Yellow and black vaccum corded or batt operated tool only$79.95
B35-411448-4MILWAUKEE6230NMILWAUKEE 6230N BAND SAW Milwaukee corded red and black band saw$199.95
B35-411448-1DeWaltDW872DeWalt DW872 chop saw Dewalt chop saw corded in good shape$299.95
B35-411447-3HiltiTE6-SHilti TE6-S hammer drill In red hard case corded w handle$129.95
B35-411444-3HiltiTE6-SHilti TE6-S hammer drill In hard red case corded w handle$159.95
B35-411444-2DeWaltDCH273DeWalt DCH273 hammer drill Yllw and blk in color tool only w handle$79.95
B35-411442-3DewaltD28770Dewalt D28770 BAND SAW Dewalt band saw blk yllw$119.95
B35-411441-3Milwaukee6230Milwaukee 6230 BAND SAW In red hard case corded$119.95
B35-411441-1MilwaukeeG507Milwaukee G507 SAWZALL red spray painted green corded$29.95
B35-411438-5Milwaukee0234-1Milwaukee 0234-1 chuck drill No handle corded chuck drill red blk$39.95
B35-411438-3Milwaukee0234-1Milwaukee 0234-1 chuck drill Red and black colored corded w chuck drill$44.95
B35-411436-6DewaltDW309Dewalt DW309 recIPRICATING Saw Yllw blak colored recip saw corded no blade$49.95
B35-411436-5DewaltDWM-120Dewalt DWM-120 BAND SAW Yllw blak band saw corded rough condti$149.95
B35-411436-2Milwaukee6230Milwaukee 6230 BAND SAW Rough condition milwuakee band corded saw$129.95
B35-411436-1Milwaukee0234-6Milwaukee 0234-6 chuck drill Red black handle and chuck corded$49.95
B35-411435-4DewaltDWM-120Dewalt DWM-120 BAND SAW Corded yllw black band saw$179.95
B35-411435-3MilwaukeeWEARNTEARMilwaukee WEARNTEAR chuck drill Mlwaukee red black chuck drill corded$44.95
B35-411434-3DewaltDCF887Dewalt DCF887 impact driver Yllw blk color tool only$34.95
B35-411432-2DewaltDW235GDewalt DW235G drill Dewalt yllw blk in color drill corded no chuck$34.95
B35-411432-1DewaltDWM120Dewalt DWM120 BAND SAW Dewalt band saw corded decent wear n tear yllw blk color$189.95
B35-411429-2MilwaukeeWEARNTEARMilwaukee WEARNTEAR RECIPRICATING Saw Red grey milwaukee corded recip saw$34.95
B35-411381-2N/ANATURAL WEARGrey in color No Brand nailer Dark grey nailer in okay condition$29.95
B35-411345-4StihlBG86Stihl BG86 blower Small cordless blower$99.95
B35-411312-1PowermatePCV43.2Powermate PCV43.2 cultivator Orang and black in good condition , tested$89.95
B35-411205-1EchoDSRM-2100Echo DSRM-2100 weed eater 1 Batt NO CHARGER$74.95
B35-411129-2KLEINCL700KLEIN CL700 CLAMP METER Inside a black soft case klein tool clamp meter$49.95
B35-411119-1HusqvarnaLC 221AHusqvarna LC 221A lawnmower Orange and greay w bag good shape started right up lawnmover tested$239.95
B35-410949-1StihlBG 50Stihl BG 50 blower Stihl gas blower works tested$149.95
B35-410921-1MANTIS7250-12-03MANTIS 7250-12-03 tiller Red in good condition , electric tiller , with accecories$59.95
B35-410828-1Green WorksTL08B00Green Works TL08B00 tiller Green and silver wired in good condition bought here$59.95
B35-410744-1Blackmax095432557Blackmax 095432557 weed eater Gas powered weed eater okay condition tested$89.95
B35-410555-3HelacoilNONEHelacoil NONE helacoil Unused hela coil kit in black case good everything there$39.95
B35-410453-1Ryobiht620drRyobi ht620dr TRIMMER Older style trimmer grey ryobi soe rust blade$7.95
B35-410189-4Snap OnQD21000aSnap On QD21000a TORQUE WRENCH Med sized wrench in hard case like new a little sticker rez left on handle 3/8$149.95
B35-410168-5Craftsman917-.388131Craftsman 917-.388131 LAWN MOWER Craftsman lawn mower, good condition with bag, black mower$229.95
B35-410097-1IronforceWL650900AJIronforce WL650900AJ AIR COMPRESSOR The space saver air compressor 250 psi max tested good$119.95
B35-409880-2AceNVMNAce 50 Foot Extension Cord$14.95
B35-409798-2Snap On92179Snap On 92179 FLASHLIGHT Snap on flash light radio crank charge tested$24.95
B35-409716-3TROY BILTTB110TROY BILT TB110 LAWN MOWER Red troy bilt lawn mower with bag, started$199.95
B35-409716-2TROY BILTTB110TROY BILT TB110 LAWN MOWER Troy build lawn mower with bag, started$199.95
B35-409716-1Yard Machines11A-B0BL729Yard Machines 11A-B0BL729 LAWN MOWER Yard machine mulcher, started, used condition$119.95
B35-409684-4NONENONENONE NONE EXTENSION CORD Yellow extension cord thick gauge$39.95
B35-409676-2KolsolNF-8209Kolsol NF-8209 cable tester In blue and black soft case advanced cable reader$29.95
B35-409651-1MTD11A-020L706MTD 11A-020L706 lawn mowwer Mtd yard machine mower w no bag$59.95
B35-409629-1Chicago PneumaticNVMChicago Pneumatic NVM die grinder Cp die grinder air tool$9.95
B35-409209-1HartHGPM02VNMHart HGPM02VNM lawnmower White and blue hart 20v batt operated mower w bag and og charger$89.95
B35-409024-508Dewalt Smaller Size Li Ion Battery Black and Yellow$19.95
B35-409024-506Dewalt Smaller Size Li Ion Battery Black and Yellow$19.95
B35-409024-505Dewalt Smaller Size Li Ion Battery Black and Yellow$19.95
B35-409024-504Dewalt Smaller Size Li Ion Battery Black and Yellow$19.95
B35-409024-5DewaltVARIOUSDewalt Li Ion Battery Charger Black and Yellow$19.95
B35-409024-3Husky9045616Husky 9045616 nailer Brad small nailer red an black in color$9.95
B35-408911-1Craftsman31AS6HEG799 247.88190Craftsman 31AS6HEG799 247.88190 SNOW BLOWER Craftsman large snow blower in good shape runs well gas or electric start$399.95
B35-408661-5RyobiPGC21Ryobi PGC21 flooring saw Ryobi floor saw good condition cordless all good prety clean and new with filter with battery and charger$129.95
B35-408503-3MILWAUKEE50-22-1449MILWAUKEE 50-22-1449 facecover Milwauakee face cover for hard hatt a few scrapes giving it a shot$9.95
B35-408230-2Cen-tech95670Cen-tech 95670 scanner Cen-tech automotive meter in original case good condiiton with hard case$39.95
B35-408122-204NEW in Bag SALA Black harness$49.95
B35-408122-1VariousNVMNFall Tech Mini 6 Fall protection$39.95
B35-408116-3NONENONENONE NONE LADDER 20ft older aluminum good okay condition feet all good and there$89.95
B35-408064-1MacLT 350KMac LT 350K lockout kit Mac lockout kit, has several pieces, used condition,$59.95
B35-408046-1RotozipSS355Rotozip SS355 rotozip Black rotozip, no extra attachments$29.95
B35-407892-1PTW2012PT W2012 Soldering gun Pt asoldering gun black with cord tested works well all good$14.95
B35-407660-4Craftsman151.30438Craftsman 151.30438 weed wacker Craftsman corded weed eater good condition just dirty tested works fine$34.95
B35-407095-102BH232A Ssoft Face Blue Point Hammer$29.95
B35-407095-101BH-232A Blue Point Hammer Soft Face$29.95
B35-406899-1Allegro9514-06Allegro 9514-06 blower fan Orange large blower fan in good condition , tested$399.95
B35-405950-4ARROWET-50ARROW ET-50 Electric Stapler Red w lots of staples, electric$11.95
B35-405745-2Powershot Pro9100Powershot Pro 9100 STAPLER-AIR Powershot pro orange an blk in color$19.95
B35-405684-1NONENONENONE NONE LADDER 20ft silver aluminum in good condition$44.954
B35-405182-4Black and DeckerMS2000Black and Decker MS2000 Med size black and orange sander$19.95
B35-405182-3Black and DeckerDS321Black and Decker DS321 belt sander belt sander$29.95
B35-405182-2Black and DeckerDS321Black and Decker DS321 belt sander$29.95
B35-405182-1Black and DeckerDS321Black and Decker DS321 belt sander Black decker hand sander black and orange with dust bag inside a orange hard case$29.95
B35-404786-2FlukePRO 3000 PROBEFluke PRO 3000 PROBE Fluke Cable Tracer Cable tracer, fluke in black case iwht attchments$19.95
B35-404741-1WorxWR14OWorx WR14O LAWN MOWER In og orange box, self driving lawn mower, has battery and dock, good condition, used once$479.95
B35-404566-1LoganMAT CUTTERLogan MAT CUTTER mat cutter Compact matt cutter in og box$39.95
B35-404344-1DeWaltD26950DeWalt D26950 HEAT GUN Heat gun corded used condition$29.95
B35-404308-1UeiDL469Uei DL469 CLAMP METER Yellow an dblack with red and black wires connected$29.95
B35-404101-3NONENONE Milwaukee M12 Charger m12 Only Red$9.95
B35-401079-3MILWAUKEE48-59-2401MILWAUKEE 48-59-2401 Battery Charger 12 volt milwaukee charger m12 only$9.95
B35-400135-3Hastings8158Hastings 8158 shotgun stick Yellow shotgun stick, black and yellow, 5ft tall$149.95
B35-399580-1Ryobi0P4026Ryobi 0P4026 battery Ryobi 40v battery, used condition$39.95
B35-399291-1Porter Cable740Porter Cable 740 SAWZALL In og gray hard case , silver and black , tested older sawzall in good condtion$29.95
B35-397324-2FeinFMM250QFein FMM250Q oscillator Orange oscillator tool used condition, older$39.95
B35-395870-4Bosch0601372539Bosch 0601372539 SANDER Teal bosch sander w / bag$24.95
B35-395234-1MILWAUKEE6527MILWAUKEE 6527 SAWZALL Older style milwaukee sawzall inside metal red case$39.95
B35-394913-2Ingersoll Rand327Ingersoll Rand 327 tire buffer1 Small air tire buffer1$79.95
B35-394735-6Ego56VEgo 56V TRIMMER Egp grey and greem trimmer with battery no charger$119.95
B35-393774-4Snap OnHSSD32Snap On HSSD32 Dead Blow hammer Snap on dead blow red hammer$79.95
B35-393168-3GREENLEE7506SSGREENLEE 7506SS DRIVER SET In green case, stainless knock out punch and hydraulic driver set 767ss$549.95
B35-392445-2MAG LiteNVMNMAG Lite NVMN FLASHLIGHT Black mag lite flash light in good condition works$5.95
B35-392228-6Mac ToolsUTILITYMac Tools UTILITY Utiltility Knife Combo In red and black case mac tools utility knife$19.95
B35-391166-5Poter CablePXRA2676Poter Cable PXRA2676 SANDER Grey and black porter cable sander$39.95
B35-381506-1DryairTEMPESTDryair TEMPEST fan Small blue floor drying fan used condition$69.95
B35-379539-1Milwaukee48-59-2401Milwaukee 48-59-2401 Battery Charger 12 volt milwaukee charger$24.95
B35-379010-1Thermal DynamicCUTTERMASTER81Thermal Dynamic CUTTERMASTER81 plasma cutter On cart with wheels black plasma cutter with hose in excellent condition unable to test 400watts crazy plug cant test manager approved$1499.95
B35-377146-1BluepointNVMNBluepoint NVMN air wrench Bluepoint air wrench$79.95
B35-376916-1RyobiBE-321Ryobi BE-321 Ryobi Belt Sander No paper blue older ryobi belt sander prety heavy duty$49.95
B35-363794-2SchlageFLA 605Schlage FLA 605 door handle One door handle in og box,$19.95
B35-363386-1NONENVMKlein Cable Tracker Yellow w Tips VDV Scout pro 2$39.95

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